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Testimonial Videos... 



Drops 16lbs in 8 weeks 


Very happy with his results!



Loses 16kg in 6 months 


Loves the support of the program and knowledge he’s acquired along the way!



Felt low and depressed..


BUT now he's 15kg down!


And feels so much better mentally + physically! Says it's one of the best decisions he's made!



Loses 35lbs in 12 months!


Stronger, more muscle definition


Happier, healthier with more confidence!



Was suffering with a bout of depression...


Now he's 20kg down, the healthiest and fittest he's ever been + his body looks totally different! 



Dropped 10kg in 10 weeks!


Making more progress than ever before! He couldn't be happier with his results.



Has been with us for 18 months!


Fitter, healthier, more confident, new personal standards and physique to match! 



Wasn't happy with how he looked...


Now he's one stone lighter and has a flat stomach!


He really enjoyed the workouts + ease of the nutrition. 



Tried lots of things in the past...


Now he's 12kg lighter and fitting into clothes he never thought he would wear again. 



Shredded 5kg of body fat...


Increased his energy and developed a more positive mindset.



Has been with us for 9 weeks...


And has managed to drop 18lbs of body fat



Was overweight and unhappy with how he looked...


In 6 weeks he's dropped a stone and now fits into a suit he couldn't wear 2 months ago! 



Lost a stone in 9 weeks and has improved his running times!




Was going to the gym BUT not seeing the results he wanted...


Now he's 6kg down in 8 weeks and has found a diet he really enjoys! 

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